Wind Resource Grid

The Wind Resource Grid (WRG) is a spatial, statistical representation of the wind resource in a specified area, including Weibull and wind rose parameters. We provide WRG for interoperability of our results and their format with existing software solutions like WindPro, OpenWind and WindFarm.

The provided WRGs are representative of the selected time-period of the run. This means they are not long-term corrected and it's bias is not yet corrected w.r.t. to measurements.

Please beware that WRG’s of short time periods are not representative of a long-term wind climate even after applying a long-term correction method.

Should I expect any differences between the timeseries product and the WRG?

The WRGs itself are build from the same simulation output and therefore are just a different representation of the same windspeed and wind directions timeseries present in the fields.

In case turbines are placed inside the simulation, the WRG will be influenced by the aerodynamical effects of these turbines

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