Analytics & Performance
After your simulation has been completed, you will be able to access some analytics and performance metrics and visualizations for the met masts and turbines in your simulation domain. This enables a quick triage of the results before a deeper analysis or comparison is done. The plots are generated for each height at the met mast or at hub height at the turbine location.
For windturbines the rotor-averaged-windspeed is used to generate the weibull and windrose plots. For more information, you can check the parametrization of the windturbine in the Whiffle LES.
Weibull plot
A visualization of the wind speed distribution with associated weibull fit and parameters
Windrose plot
A visualization of the wind direction distribution at the particular location and height
Profile of wind speed
A visualization of the evolution of wind speed with increasing height at the met mast location. This is sampled at the selected met mast heights when starting the simulation.
This is not yet available for turbines
Profile of turbulence intensity
A visualization of the evolution of turbulence intensity with increasing height at the met mast location. This is sampled at the selected met mast heights when starting the simulation.
This is not yet available for turbines
Turbulence intensity vs windspeed
A visualization how the turbulence intensity varies with increasing windspeed. This visualization can be used to inspect any spikes on turbulence intensity for higher windspeed
This is not yet available for turbines
Windspeed timeseries
A visualization of the wind speed timeseries at this particular location and altitude
Turbulence intensity timeseries
A visualization of the turbulence intensity timeseries at this particular location and altitude
This is not yet available for turbines
Power output
This is not yet available for metmasts
On the performance tab you can inspect the mean wind speed and energy production numbers of all turbines. These numbers are computed for both the simulation period as well as a long-term corrected variant in case more than 180 simulation days are selected. More information about the long-term correction can be found here.
Last updated