Time series
The following overview highlights the output types and files generated during a Time series simulation. All time stamps provided are in UTC.
Wind Farms and Met Masts
The main output of Whiffle Wind Time Series is a 10-minute-averaged time series at all your virtual wind turbine and met mast locations. An overview of the variables is given in the table below.
After the simulation has completed the Turbines and Met Masts outputs can be downloaded as CSV form the application.
The Fields option provides as output a 100-meter-gridded, 10-minute-averaged time series of the entire LES domain, at up to 3 heights. This 2D time series allows the user to horizontally extrapolate datapoints across the domain in their analyses. An overview of the variables included is given in the table below.
After the simulation has completed the Fields can be downloaded as NetCDF from the application.
At every Turbine location, at hub height
At every Met Mast location, at all heights
At every Field height
Induction corrected hub height horizontal wind speed [m/s]
Wind speed [m/s]
Wind speed [m/s]
Induction corrected hub height vertical wind speed [m/s]
Wind direction [°]
Wind direction [°]
Hub height wind direction [°]
Resolved turbulence intensity [-]
Resolved turbulence Intensity [-]
Wind turbine power [W]
Temperature [°C]
Wind turbine thrust[N]
Relative humidity [-]
Temperature [°C]
Absolute pressure [Pa]
Induction corrected hub height turbulence intensity [-]
Air density [kg/m3]
Air density [kg/m3]
Absolute pressure[Pa]
Relative humidity [-]
Bulk Richardson number over the rotor disk [-]
Wind shear over the rotor disk [m/s]
Wind veer over the rotor disk [°]
Rotor-disk-averaged wind speed [m/s]
If additional output is required, you can request this through the Whiffle support desk here.
Wind Resource Grid
The Wind Resource Grid (WRG) is a spatial, statistical representation of the wind resource in a specified area, including Weibull and wind rose parameters. We provide WRG for interoperability of our results and their format with existing software solutions like WindPro, OpenWind and WindFarm.
The WRGs provided with Whiffle Wind Time Series are representative of the selected time-period of the simulation. This means they are not long-term corrected and it's bias is not yet corrected w.r.t. to measurements.
Please beware that WRG’s of short time periods are not representative of a long-term wind climate even after applying a long-term correction method.
Should I expect any differences between the timeseries product and the WRG?
The WRGs itself are build from the same simulation output and therefore are just a different representation of the same windspeed and wind directions timeseries present in the fields.
In case turbines are placed inside the simulation, the WRG will be influenced by the aerodynamical effects of these turbines
Long term corrected results
Additional details coming soon.
A video of the modelled horizontal wind speeds at an elevation of 112.5 m over the LES domain is included with each simulation. To view the video, select the simulation of interest under the Simulations tab and click the Play Simulation button.
The video offers additional qualitative insight into what is occurring within the site. On the left frame, observe clouds passing site, while on the right, see a qualitative representation of wind speed at 100m, showcasing the effects of terrain, turbine wake and flow dynamics captured by Whiffle’s LES model. It represents higher wind speeds in lighter colours and lower wind speeds in darker colours. The date and time in UTC is shown on the bottom right.
Depending on the simulation period and location, different phenomenon can be observed such as fronts, sea breezes, land breezes, wind direction and wind speed changes, and turbine wake effects.
Last updated