
An output of your simulation is timeseries at turbines and metmasts locations and for fields which is a grid over the full simulation domain. The timestamps are always assumed to be UTC. For each of these locations you will receive:

At every turbine, at hub height, 10 minute resolution

At every met mast, at all user-specified heights, 10 minute resolution

At every Field height, a 2D slice of the LES domain with 100 meter and 10 minute resolution

Induction corrected hub height horizontal wind speed [m/s]

Wind speed [m/s]

Wind speed [m/s]

Induction corrected hub height vertical wind speed [m/s]

Wind direction [°]

Wind direction [°]

Hub height wind direction [°]

Resolved turbulence intensity [-]

Resolved turbulence Intensity [-]

Wind turbine power [W]

Temperature [°C]


Wind turbine thrust[N]

Relative humidity [-]

Temperature [°C]

Absolute pressure [Pa]

Induction corrected hub height turbulence intensity [-]

Air density [kg/m3]

Air density [kg/m3]

Absolute pressure[Pa]

Relative humidity [-]

Bulk Richardson number over the rotor disk [-]

Wind shear over the rotor disk [m/s]

Wind veer over the rotor disk [°]

Rotor-disk-averaged wind speed [m/s]

If additional output is required, you can request this through the Whiffle support desk here.

Last updated