
  • Transitioned to the NWP Era5 archive: After a temporary return to an older Era5 archive last week, we're pleased to announce that we have now switched back to the new NWP Era5 data service. This update ensures comprehensive data coverage within supported regions, allowing simulations to run seamlessly from 2010-01-02 to 100 days in the past.

  • Supported regions updated: On the map, we highlight supported regions with yellow borders. What was once a cluster of squares is now elegantly displayed with simple outlines. More importantly, the lines represent the new NWP Era5 archive instead of the old archive.

  • Reference number on detail page: To enhance user assistance, we've added the reference number to the detail page. This improvement aims to streamline support for user inquiries regarding their simulations.

  • AEP improvements: Enhanced the Annual Energy Production (AEP) calculations. The AEP now utilizes 10 years of historical data instead of 20, and calculations are extended to met masts, though not yet displayed on the performance page.

  • Fixed day count: An issue with the day count on the detail page has been addressed and corrected, ensuring accurate reporting.

  • Update aspire to 10.4.0

  • Exposed tree_canopy_height parameter on AspForge API.


  • Switched back to previous Era5 archive: Due to the necessity of reverting the Era5 archive to an older version, the maximum end period has been revised to 2023-08-31 and some other regressions may occur. We anticipate resolving this issue by next week when we transition back to the new NWP archive.

  • Elevation map: Explore the newly introduced elevation map on the simulation detail page. Customize the minimum and maximum height settings using the legend options for a more detailed view. (Ensemble Digital Terrain Model). Presently, the loading time for this map is relatively slow. We aim to enhance its performance gradually over time.

  • Performance map color scale customization: Customize the turbine performance color scale by adjusting the minimum and maximum values using the map legend settings.

  • Fix non-squared issues with the video: Submitting a rectangular domain caused the video generation to crash and is now fixed.

  • Update turbines schema limits on API: You can now no longer submit a Turbine with a height of 10km and other limits have been refined.

  • Update Aspire version (10.1.2)


  • Extended met mast output: Density and pressure have been added to the met mast timeseries CSV output file.

  • Improved ERA5 data coverage: Thanks to the amazing work of our team we now have a more complete data coverage via the NWP data-service. We are downloading the latest data as we speak and soon clients will be able to run from 2010-01-02 till 100 days in the past.

  • Time-series graphs: The analytics page has been enriched with timeseries plots for wind speed, turbulence intensity (met mast) and power output (turbines).

  • Simulation video: Get your popcorn ready! After running a simulation, you can now watch the visualization video on the detail page.

  • Annual Energy Production: Long-term corrected data and AEP can now be found via the performance tab.

  • Download options: The user now has the option to download a zip with WGR and Timeseries CSV or Fields separately.

  • Metmast heights in meters: A small, but important detail, we now inform the user that met mast heights is set in meters.

  • Improved design: The header and simulation setup have an updated design, making the application more cohesive.

  • Min and max date: The date inputs on the Period step now have a min and max date. This allows the date picker to visually show that dates before 2010-01-02 and after 100 days in the past are not selectable. How this is visualized depends on your browser, Google Chrome does this well.


  • Graphs on analytics page: The analytics got more graphs, such as vertical profile of windspeed and TI over the turbine, allowing the user to gain insights into the simulation results.

  • Land use map: On the simulation detail page you can now view a land use map by selecting ESA World Cover

  • Performance table total: We added a total row to the performance table on simulation detail page.

  • Simplified confirmation: Re-direct the user directly to homepage after setting up a simulation. On the homepage we provide a banner informing the user the simulation has started processing.

  • Visualization of turbine energy production: Performance page now shows energy production distribution over the windfarm, with a color gradient.

  • Fixed bugs:

    • Incorrect error message for available data has been fixed.

    • Improved responsiveness for the Geolocation form in the setup wizard.

    • Improved error messaging for missing data.


  • Simulation overview page: You can now view simulation details, such as turbine and metmast location, after setting up a simulation run.

  • Simulation analytics page: Analyze the performance of turbine and metmast elements with a Windrose and Weibull graph.

  • Simulation performance page: View the Mean windspeed and Power output per turbine.

  • Bug Fixes: We've addressed various bugs in the setup wizard and download results functionality

Last updated