Cancelling a simulation
Discovered an error just after you launched a simulation? Or want to change the output heights or locations when your simulation is already halfway? We understand you can have second thoughts for numerous reasons and we've got you covered. Depending on how long your simulation is running we allow free or paid cancellation, as described below.
Free cancellation when run time under 15 minutes A newly submitted simulation will always be queued and preprocessed (steps 1 to 3) before the cloud GPUs will be activated for core processing (step 4). Therefore it is possible to cancel a simulation right after you launched it, free of charge.
Paid cancellation when run time is under 2 hours After 15 minutes in, the core processing has started and costs are being made. Cancellation is possible, but we ask for a fee of 25% of the simulation price. You will always be notified in the application before a cancellation is definitive.
Paid cancellation when run time is over 2 hours After more than 2 hours in, the cancellation fee will be 50% of the simulation price.
Please be aware that cancelling a simulation means the LES data generated so far will be lost. You can always reach out to our customer support team for advice.
Last updated