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Enhanced readability of period info details by removing the duplicate UTC label, ensuring it fits better on the detail page.
Added a visible cursor on hover in the simulation wizard steps, signaling that steps can be navigated back to.
Fixed an issue where importing an incorrect turbine specification blocked the upload of a new turbine spec.
Introduced a direct URL to the registration form, simplifying the registration process from whiffle.nl and other sources.
Revamped the downloads list for a more compact and readable layout.
Long-term correction warnings are now only displayed for time series simulations, resolving their incorrect appearance in statistics simulations.
New Period Option: Statistics (Beta)
Introduced a new period option called Statistics in the period step of the simulation setup wizard.
This feature is currently in Beta, allowing users to test and provide feedback.
The Statistics option simulates a sample of days to generate 20-year statistics in the most cost-efficient manner.
Simulation Video Controls
Added the ability to adjust the speed of simulation videos.
You can now increase or decrease playback speed for a customized viewing experience.
Last updated