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Please provide a name for your simulation that is easily identifiable for future reference. Choose a clear and descriptive identifier to facilitate easy retrieval of the simulation later on.
During the Met mast step, you have the option to add meteorological masts to the simulation. You can do this either by manually filling out the form or by uploading a CSV file.
The file should contain the following columns with these exact header names:
Latitude: in decimal degrees: between -90 and 90
Longitude: in decimal degrees: between -180 and 180
Name: unique identifier for each turbine / metmast
Upon entering a complete wind farm with locations, the turbines will be shown on the map. Whiffle automatically computes both LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and MESO (Mesoscale) domains.
During the Wind farm step, you can add turbines to the simulation. This can be done either by manually filling out the form or by uploading a CSV file.
The file should contain the following columns with these exact header names:
Latitude: in decimal degrees: between -90 and 90
Longitude: in decimal degrees: between -180 and 180
Name: unique identifier for each turbine / metmast
After uploading a CSV the desired turbine should be selected. Only one turbine model can be set per wind farm.
Whiffle offers a basic NREL 5MW turbine as a default option, and you can also add custom turbines if needed. The heights for the meteorological mast will be specified in the following Outputs step.
Thrust toggle
Wind farms can be configured with or without thrust (thrust-free) using this toggle to calculate aerodynamic losses. For detailed guidance, refer to our use case: How to calculate aerodynamic losses?
LES toggle
Upon entering a complete wind farm with locations, the turbines will be shown on the map. Whiffle automatically computes both LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and MESO (Mesoscale) domains.
Wind farms can be toggled on or off for inclusion in the LES domain, providing flexibility in the calculations. Learn more in our Under the hood section on LES.
In the Period step, select the Statistics method. Once you choose a Statistics run, the representative period will be displayed, and you may proceed to the next step.
In the Output step, you can specify the heights for the output data. For more details about the output files and formats, refer to the output overview for Statistics.
To define an output height in meters, click on "Add height." Currently, a maximum of three heights is allowed due to restricted resources. If additional heights are needed, please don't hesitate to contact Whiffle for assistance.
Fields is not provided with a Statistics simulation.
You can only add heights to a meteorological mast when one or more have been added on the Met Mast step. Click on “Add height” to define an output height in meters.
The plots on the analytics page will be based on these heights.
For turbines, the heights are set during the addition of a custom turbine. Please refer to the instructions on how to add a custom turbine for further details.
Quickly review your settings and then click "Start simulation." This action will return you to the Simulation overview page, where information about the process will be displayed.
Running a simulation may require some time. Don't worry, we'll keep you updated on the progress via email. In the meantime, you can learn more about what’s under the hood!
Congratulations ! You've reached the final step.